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Heaven 87

What's Up?  Heaven!

Because you never know when your number is up, here is your number... UP.
I asked God, "What is number up?"  A thought came to me.  I looked at my cell phone to see what the number UP was and it is 87... The Biblical meaning for the number 8 is "new beginnings" and the number 7 is "perfection".  There is a New Beginning for whosoever will receive God's Perfect Love.  It is HIS Perfection that covers every sin, every imperfection...GOD is Love and only His is Perfect... Perfect Love for each and every imperfect person in the world is what He sent when He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for the sins of the world... for your sins and for mine... The One For All... Jesus, the Perfect Sacrifice for sin.
"CALL on the name of the Lord and you WILL be saved" !!!  Just call on Jesus and receive this call to be saved by the Savior of the world!  Please, do it now.  Don't pass Heaven up!  You never know when your number will be up.  Remember, your  number is UP so that when it's time to go you will KNOW that you know you are going UP and not down and you will have no reason to be afraid of what will happen when you leave your body because you have received the Call to go UP and said YES to Jesus... You have received God's Perfect Love Gift, His Son, Jesus and His perfect love will cast out ALL fear!
It's time to Heaven UP!  Don't be held down for one more day!  If you want to go UP and not down when your number is up, then there is NO other way to get there, then by the One that God sent to earth to save us, His Son, Jesus, Whose "number" on our phone by the way is 53787. 5+3=8  53787... 8787 UP UP now!  There is NO time to waste!  Call on the name of Jesus and you WILL be saved!

God wants ALL OF US to be prepared for that inevitable day when our body will pass away and our spirit will depart.  US is #87 on the phone, too!  God is calling US as individuals, as a nation, and the entire world!  God is calling whosoever will.  Will you answer the call?  Are you listening at all? 
Those with ears to HEAR will DO what He is telling EVERYONE to do!  Save yourself and your household, too!  Just CALL on the name of Jesus.  That's all.  Call.  He has already paved the way.  Jesus is the Way.  You are SO loved by Father God.  What would YOU do to save YOUR children?  How much more Father God has done.  He's done it ALL!  RUN to and not away from the One Who is Perfect Love.  There is nothing to fear.  Nothing that you've done or ever could do could separate you from His Love.  Just turn from your sin so you can live in the Land of the Forgiven, Heaven     Please, do it now.  Take this call from Above.  I pray you will.  Receive God's Perfect Love...
"For God SO loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that WHOSOEVER believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life."  ~John 3:16

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