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Business Description up to 10,000 words ($5.00/month)
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Unlimited Business Events added to the community events calendar - must sign in as a user and add them yourself ($15.00/month)
Google Reviews page added in our website ($10/month)
Business facebook page newsfeed added to our site ($5.00/month)
Business shoutout on our community facebook page weekly ($20/month)
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"Great info for the local folks and they do a great job helping promote local businesses as well."
~Rick DiGiacomo, owner of
Holman Insurance Agency, Inc. in Attleboro, MA

"I have to say that advertising on TAZ is the best thing I could have done! Delores/TAZ have been amazing in advertising my company, offering advice and support for my company from the beginning of Remy's Walkin' Buddies...plus she has helped in finding services that I needed personally. Delores is amazing and professional and very quick to answer any and all questions!! This is money well spent!!"

Diann Perrin, owner of  Remy's Walkin' BuddiesNorth Attleborough, MA

"This company does more to promote other peoples businesses than anyone I know!"
~Gigi Halsing, owner of  Extra Hands For Your Events, North Attleborough, MA

“Signing up on TheAttleboroZone.com was a snap!  Delores was quick with her responses to my inquiry and questions, and she helped us get set up swiftly and easily.”

~Rob Gartmayer, Marketing Manager for Ride-Away Handicap Equipment Corporation,
North Attleborough, MA

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