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The Arc of Bristol County

The Arc of Bristol County is a wonderful organization helping children and adults with developmental disabilities.

The Arc of Bristol County was started in the late 1950’s by Attleboro area families looking for a better quality of life for their children with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  The Arc has been part of the fabric of the city of Attleboro ever since then, being the place where confused and desperate families find hope and care for their loved ones with disabilities.   The Arc takes great pride in helping those who need our care in a responsible, economical and professional manner.

News from the Arc of Bristol County


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Greater Attleboro News

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Abundant Hope Pregnancy Center 
Arc of Bristol County 
Attleboro Animal Shelter 
Attleboro Arts Museum 
Attleboro Community Theatre 
Attleboro Area Interfaith Collaborative 
Attleboro Cultural Council 
Attleboro DAR Friends 
Attleboro High School 
Attleboro Land Trust 
Attleboro Police Dept 
Attleboro Public Library 
Betty's Angels North Attleboro 
Bristol Lodge Masons 
Capron Park Zoo 
N. Attleboro Police Dept. 
Coffee House Oldtown 
Community Autism Resources 
Community VNA 
Congressman Joe Kennedy III 
Downtown Associates N. Attleboro 
Downtown North Attleborough 
Ezekiel Bates Masons 
Greater Attleboro Women of Today 
Hebron Food Pantry 
Heller's Angels 
Attleboro Historic Preservation Society 
HMEA Inc. 
Julie Cekala Charitable Foundation 
Kennedy Donovan Center 
Keep N. Attleboro Beautiful 
Medical Reserve Corps 
MOKIES N. Attleboro Mom's Grp 
North Mom's Book Club 
New Hope, Inc. 
N. Attleboro Animal Shelter 
N. Attleboro Cultural Council 
N. Attleboro High School 
N. Attleboro Parks & Recreation 
The Sun Chronicle 
North Community TV 
Oak Knoll Wildlife Sanctuary 
Attleboro Blue Pride 
N.A. Richards Memorial Library 
Salvation Army Attleboro 
State Rep Jim Hawkins 
SE Mass Visitors Bureau 
National Shrine LaSalette 
St. John Evangelist School 
St. Mary Sacred Heart School 
St. Vincent de Paul Society 
Sturdy Memorial Hospital 
TACA Autism Help 
The Literacy Center 
United Regional Chamber o C 
Attleboro Scanner Transmissions 
Visit Massachusetts 
Taunton Attleboro WIC 
Winslow Farm Animal Sanctuary 
Town of North Attleboro 
Attleboro Elks #1104 
Mass Emergency Mgmt MEMA  
Mass 211 

American Legion Post 312 
CDC Emergency Preparedness 
North Attleborough Historical Society